Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Busy Bee

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth! In the matter of 3 days, I got 3 orders for different paintings, so I've been a busy little bee.

Add in a painting for a fall art show, extra hours at work and family stuff, and I've got a lot on my plate! But the good news is, the paintings are coming along quite nicely, the running is cruising and, ahhhhhhhhh, a vacation is just around the corner. Well, around the block, but I'll take it!

I will update you with paintings as soon as I finish up!

Let the vacation countdown begin!


  1. Wow you are busy! But sounds like a successful busy. Keep it up and the vaca will be sooo much better! Where u goin>?

    1. It will! We're headed to Hawaii...got free airlien miles to use!

  2. Yay for vacay! Gosh I'd love to go back to Hawaii someday soon. What's not to love?

  3. Great job being so busy with the painting! And Hawaii sounds wonderful. Definitely something to look forward to!

  4. You are so cute! Can't wait to see the painting :)

  5. Awesome!! Yay for vacations! I'm in the countdown mode, myself! :0)
